Automatic pistols made by Gabilondo from 1914 to 1933 were based on Browning F.N. models of 1903, 1906, 1910, and 1922. In 1931 it was decided to modernize their line by undertaking the manufacture of the external hammer, recoil-operated system originally designed by Browning and used by Colt and the Fabrique Nationale. Work on a new design began in 1931 and culminated in 1932 with a Spanish patent issued on April 12th of that year. The first pistol produced was an exact copy of the Colt Mod. 1911A1, but without the grip safety, and in 9 mm. Largo (Bergmann) and .38 ACP calibers. To this weapon was given the trade name „Llama' which is the name for currently made Gabilondo pistols. For some reason this first model produced later was designated Model IV.
Shortly after the production of this first model, a blowback style based upon the external shape of the Colt-Browning was introduced. A further improvement of the blowback pattern was undertaken and this second blowback style was issued from 1935 on. Somewhat later a variant pattern in 9 mm. Parabellum caliber was produced. After the close of World War II certain models were dropped, grip safeties were added to the remaining models, and a .22 caliber pistol was introduced.
Some details concerning the various Llama models are as given below.
Llama Mini Max 9 Gun Magazine. Llama Especial 9mm Gun Magazine. Llama Old Model 380 Gun Magazine. Llama Model 10A,3A 380. This was the original Llama pistol, dating from 1931-32, in 9 mm. Largo (Bergmann) caliber. It is a full-size reproduction of the Colt-Browning recoil-operated pistol Mod. When first issued no model number was assigned but the factory catalog designation was No. Llama firearms serial numbers, llama pistol serial number lookup, llama serial number, llama serial number lookup, llama serial numbers. Click on a term to search for. Llama Firearms, officially known as Llama-Gabilondo y Cia SA, was a Spanish arms company founded in 1904 under the name Gabilondo and Urresti. Jan 11, 2018 - Gabilondo Y CIA -Llama Pistols Llama 22 Deluxe Pistol, Serial Number: 197756 - VanDerBrink Auctions is pleased to bring you this Gabilondo. This Spanish Llama model IX-A is a single action, semi-automatic pistol that is. Thanks for the link. I pulled the left grip off and found the numbers '4 7 1' evenly spaced with the '7' subscripted. In the link provided, there is an example shown for '6 78' with a guess of 1978, though it's not certain. Given this, I could assume my Llama was made in 1971. Again, speculation.
Mod. I.-This was a 7.65 mm. Browning caliber, original blowback style, dating from about 193'31934, first issued without model designation, with factory catalog designation No. 529. It was an imitation of Colt Mod. 1911.
Mod. II.-This 9 mm. Short version of the Mod. I was identical to Mod. I except for magazine capacity.
Mod. III.-This was a 9 mm. Short, second blowback pattern and more closely approached the external shape of the Mod. 1911A1 Colt. It dates from about 1935 and is believed to have replaced the first two models in distribution and to have been dropped from production in 1954.
Mod. III-A.-This post-World War II version of Mod. III is distinguished by the addition of the grip safety but otherwise is the same as Mod. III. Several styles of grip pieces and markings have been noted.
Mod. IV.-This was the original Llama pistol, dating from 1931-32, in 9 mm. Largo (Bergmann) caliber. It is a full-size reproduction of the Colt-Browning recoil-operated pistol Mod.
1911. When first issued no model number was assigned but the factory catalog designation was No. 528. It has been suggested that the name Modello IV may have been reserved for the Tauler pistol which is identical to it. Both are identical to the Llama Mod. VII.
Mod. V.-Made in 9 mm. Largo (Bergmann) and .38 ACP calibers this appears to be the export version of Mod. IV. It is marked .38 caliber rather than 9 mm. It was made prior to World War II only.
Mod. VI.-This has been reported to be in 9 mm. Browning Short caliber, heavier than Mod. III, but this has not been confirmed. Fully recoil-operated Llama pistols of the Mod. VII (or IV) style are known to have been made in the 7.63 Mauser caliber, expressly for the German trade, and it is possible that the designation of Mod. VI may have been given to these pistols. This is purely a conjecture.
Mod. VII.-This pistol in 9 mm. Largo/.38 ACP is identical to Mod. IV and is, therefore, the original Llama pistol, manufacture of which dates from 1932. This model was produced until about 1954.
Mod. VIII.-This is identical to the Mod. VII, but with the addition of a grip safety. This addition seems to have been the first application of a grip safety to a Llama pistol and was introduced prior to World War II. This pistol is still made.
Mod. IX.-First described as a recoil-operated style of the Mod. VII, but in three calibers: 7.65 mm. Parabellum, 9 mm. Largo, and .45 ACP. However, factory literature of 1936-39 shows this model in .45 cal. ACP only. It was manufactured from about 1936 to 1954.
Mod. IX-A.-This is the .45 ACP caliber, to which a grip safety was added immediately following World War II. This pistol is still in production.
Mod. X.-This pistol, in 7.65 mm. caliber, was issued along with Mod. III and is merely a smaller version of that model (Fig. 175). It appears to be identical to Mod. I, to which no model number was originally assigned. This dates from about 1935 and was produced until about 1954. A Model X-1 has been noted, but details are unknown. It may be a special variant of the Mod. X.
Mod. X-A.-This is identical to Mod. X, with the addition of a grip safety, which was added immediately following World War II. It is still in production.
Mod. XI.-This is a 9 mm. Parabellum caliber with a variant style of grip frame and hammer and has no grip safety. Earlier issues had a lanyard ring at bottom of left side of the grip frame, but this ring was omitted in later issues and the grip pieces were redesigned. It was produced from 1936 and was still made in 1953 but does not appear in 1955 factory literature.
There are no Llama pistols designated as Models XII, XIII, and XIV as these designations have been reserved for and are used on the Llama revolvers. Mod. XV.-This is a .22 caliber (Long Rifle) pistol which follows the same general design as the other recent Llama models. It has a double grip safety. This is a post-World War II production.

- Fig. 175. Cross section of typical Llama pistols.
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1111111 « 111111 r 11111111111111 n, 1111 « 11111 « 11 n 11 h 1111111111 r< 1111111
XjbSuiih 'jsodupug jbXSJOAXSOJ poj „doJS, JSUIUIOIJ uiui g9'¿ PIC 'ON
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11 il' i ill III lili il il' lililí lililí I iHlilllllllil ilil'llllhll III i l'i I ,h I i i- • i ■ < ■ i ' i ' i • i ■ i ' i ' i • i ' i i ^ .. . ,.,... r^j ■,.»'
(TÍTr1! *f j : 11: t i : ' : ' i?.: :«ri i ! iflilimtT' ■ ' f Î^î I<ïl 11 * ! s U Íi'*á»i¿* V k I • ! iTî : ! t • 11 l?Tï it:t*ttt«l ¿t ftfluc^ f « â « I iff « 1Î ff fl cTTt« v « > 1
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No. 316 7.65 mm. Galesi Mod. 9 (U.S. Export designation 515A) Industria Armi Galesi Collebeato (Brescia), Italy Dated 1956 No. 201524
Buluiílliulilílii;!' ! ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '■' ' ••••'
No. 317 7.65 mm. Garatc Anitua Garate, Anitua y Cia. Eibar, Spain No. 23969
Buluiílliulilílii;!' ! ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '■' ' ••••'
No. 317 7.65 mm. Garatc Anitua Garate, Anitua y Cia. Eibar, Spain No. 23969
• r ' r ! ' iiull.l'%'lrí. 'IllñlillililT^ililñfíüllllliHlil
r ,.,.,!ffl„.7l0,i|i,1.l,*.,.,I,il.mûî
• r ' r ! ' iiull.l'%'lrí. 'IllñlillililT^ililñfíüllllliHlil
No. 318
7.65 mm. Gavage Automatic Pistol Armand Gavage Fab. d'Armes de Guerre de Haute Précision Liège, Belgium No. 2514
l'l'l'l'J'H I' I' IM ' I' t »I > I' I «I«I»I ■ HJ ■ I» I»H|' > M' HJ »I» I' I' IM f I« 'J M M *•!»I' *« I n
'Til :l'llll!llM)|l|'|i||?!im!llullMlIlin lili llllltllllllim íjj iiiiliiiTiiiiilimliniliiitiiinlimliiiitiinliiiiliiMliiiiliif
^^¡Tiíi ílmtlii ^^ > i lili n^íii i tlii íTt 11111 ti 1 ft i In i * i t Ii i iTín itlt»^!««»»!»»»?! • • • i f t • 11» t «aTaf o i«It «»1 *»»t» t^íTI t»n I»
No. 318-A 7.65 mm. Hungarian 'Pistole Mod. 37' Metallwaren, Waffen u. Munitionsfabrik Budapest, Hungary No. 37468
¿^M|'l'l'i'j'ii|iii|i|i|n^| ¡J IP im 11|.| n.J. 11 mump IJ
No. 319
7.65 mm. 'Izarra' Pistola Automática Bonifacio Echeverría Eibar, Spain No. 7733
!b.¿wJi' ''' ' '.I'111'1'!'1!'^ ' ■ I' 111 u' 111 g' p 111' i n. 11) ij n M ■ i ■ I' i. i 11 y i p 11111.11 p i ^ i fgsÄP
[¿PJjl'I'I'I'PJ.i ' |I|. |I|'|II JI|i|IH|'ll|'l'ji PPI'I'PI'I Jl|'|ll'|'l'l'l'ji|l|l I I|' ' . t
[«Tyc I: . i I »I ■ i 'i . »I . »i , »I i 'l i »I , 'I ., i »I I« ' fiM iiíin.l.,3! t (11111 tTl 1111111M t • 11111 • i • • 111M11 • 11111MI * • 11111 t?l i ■ 11! • 111111 • MI • 11111 ml 1111 ft ml 111111 m 1111111 m' < J
No. 320 7.65 mm. Jäger Pistole Jäger and Co. Suhl, Germany No. 3889
No. 322 7.65 mm. 'Systema La Lira' Marketed by Garate, Anitua y Cia. Apparently derived from the 1900 Model Mannlicher. Maker unknown
No. 322 7.65 mm. 'Systema La Lira' Marketed by Garate, Anitua y Cia. Apparently derived from the 1900 Model Mannlicher. Maker unknown
I ■ I • I I'l'i I'll I' I ' I ■ H ( < I • I ■ I • I ■ l ■ I • (■ I ■ I ■ I < 1 I I' I 'III.
I• I• I■ I^.i■ I•..I• I■ I• I^■ I■)■ I■ I I I tea* . K . -. »' r nn< . 3 <1—r~ij—T-i—I '7 I »I r»i »I ,'lfTT'l U| .Hl .Tin irMWi« n »ft j 111 «iTiTTln 1 r« 11 Tl Mt 1111 f 11 ill t tl< iTf la 111 l*i>l I ill 1M11 Ii f Inl7i tl I ill iTTlnill III >i I iliiftillllirtaiBlln llllTll 11111 III I 'illilli
No. 323 7.65 mm. 'F. L. Selbstlader' Fr. Langenhan Zella-Mehlis, Germany No. 36228
No. 323 7.65 mm. 'F. L. Selbstlader' Fr. Langenhan Zella-Mehlis, Germany No. 36228
No. 324 7.65 mm. 'F. L. Selbstladcr' Wood grip pieces on pistols made for military use
Fr. Langenhan Zella-Mehlis, Germany No. 508
11.! I 111 IJ . I ■ j. 111111111 y M i 111' I' 111 ■ I y ■ I 11' I' 11 I' I' I 'j I I M ' 111' I ■ I' I y ' I' I' I')1 I ■ I' I' I'l'J' ' I'l'l'l 1 I'l'j'l'l'l * I *' *' 'J' IM' 1 ' I' ' 'J ' 1 *1
' 2 3 .--- ---r.-r-r.-r.-jrr---la, . 1 <
No. 325 7.65 mm. Leonhardt H. M. Gering and Co. Arnstadt, Germany No. 29681
No. 326 7.65 mm. Leonhardt H. M. Gering and Co. Arnstadt, Germany No. 37963
' I ■ t»I M ■ 111 m 111 n»I y 11 ■ I' I' I' I' I' I J'lM'li[inin^ni|ii
> . » 5T' ^ ..f „l.ri^amln.TlMMt.ffl,;,!,!:!,!,^!,!,^,!,'
I ■ I' I■ I'Hj■ H1 ■»■ I■ 1'I■ I11'I»I ■ I■ I■ t' 1 U' 1 ■ M > ■ I• I■ I< j 1:' I■ 1»I'' 'J IM''
l™iiliiiin:l'iilir :f II?! Uli l[! nf I tutmTItinln li!i?ttl-'0|Milli'^ z • r; 111 'In irlu'f m-Tniilniifi!--:
¿m'T'-'-y ; ■ ri-i-ij ^ i < i ■ J.immtim •
j11 ' i ' i » | ■ i11 ' ' I • 1 ' I Ij • 1111111 ■ i n ■ I M M ■. I n 11 ' I ■ J .J. i ■ i ' ■ ■. u ■ < ■ I
' 1 ■1 ! 11 r 1^11M ! I ! 1111 > 'i^lll >»'
Llama Pistol Serial Numbers
fni'Tf-' ' , ' ¡.f1.!!.!,. 'I >.>ltll7llll'tt'7' ll<l' 8 ' ' ■ ' ■ 1
No. 327
7.65 mm. LePage Pocket Automatic Mre. d'Armes LePage Liège, Belgium No. 14624
¿¿¿¿¿'l''',!' ''I I'l'I'MJ [11 ' | 1 ' 11 M 11 ' | ' I ' 11 1 H.
Llama 380 Serial Number History
TmTfi'iiiiilit'li i ! [ : i^! i in I m iTii mi h1 h m li ii?i n nln m IimiIhmIi in In i?l 11 n Im7?Im nlitill m li li m^lin i Iniilni • li
111111111 j. |i 111111 ! 111 h 111 ' I ' I ' 11111 ' H | ' 1111111 ' 1111. ■ p | II • 111 ' I ■. s| 111111 11 i i I ' . ^
'I'lhii'li'iiliiiiliiiiliMlllMllltliillllllMllllDlllllllltllltltllllllllllllllllir ::,!'l!llltliMilillllinilim
No. 328 7.65 mm. 'Le Secours' Marketed by Garate, Anitua y Cia. Note monogram on grips Tomas de Urizar y Cia. Eibar, Spain. No. 6758
' 1 ' ' ',1 ' ' ' ' ' ' 111 ' ' ' ' àt * ' ' ' ' ' '1 ' ' ' ' ' ' 'I''I'1<|I''1I'''J 111111111 ij 1111111111111M1111111 ' 111 n 11 ij 111111 ' 1 ' 11111 y ; 11 ■ 11111 . 1 • ; . ' 1 •
imIm Miilii°'iMiliinliiiiliinliiMlMl'liililimlllMlllîîlillllilMliliilimli TmÏÏIÎi i'I i m 11 i i m I • i i i Ii i m i m i m^I «1 i i Iii m Ii 11 il i i m( i m i i r i n I (111 Ii t u' 1 i m li i n ! ] i i i !m'i : ' ; i : ini 'milc^'ii! i ■
No. 329 7.65 mm. 'Liberty Patent' Retolaza Hermanos Eibar, Spain No. 33206
m'l'ly ' ■1 111 ' |' 111' i ' 111111 |'|i|'i'jili|i|i|i|i|i|ij'i' I' 111.1.1 in | Ijlj'll 1' 1' 'j'' m i' |' i' i' m |' i' i' i' 11111 m ij i 11111 11111111 ij i111ii11111 1I1111111111111
ii i iTl i < i J. t mii i 11 n in it !i i m It i kIii nlirti ti i iTliitilit Mlntt liiniitulimli into'! mi 11 i*Tl niilin?liiii luTT 1111111 < ttif m?' ■ ■ m 1 • itTlii n f iu?lii i jiii4?itt 11 li tiTlut 11 < i M liiiili t iTi tin It j^^ii 11111' I tt 11111*'! 1111 riii?li(i ■ tiiYTti it
No. 330 7.65 mm. Libia Exported by Fab. d'Armes de Guerre de Grande Precision Beistegui Hermanos, Eibar, Spain No. 37272
'limlll^'llltlM^lHl!,!^ ■ I* 1 imlllTltfllTltU li mTt I nil'
1 i' I' I ' '(|' 1 1 I' ' 1 I' ' 1 11 ' ' ' ' 11' 1 11 ' 111 I 1 I ' I 1 ' ' I ' ' 1 I 11 1 I' I 1 I ' |' I ' M |
I!: r 11 r^' 1! T; I : t: I! ■ t i'^' 11 till t l^lll 11 ll nTi f r 11 In iTl 111! 11 • M'
I!: r 11 r^' 1! T; I : t: I! ■ t i'^' 11 till t l^lll 11 ll nTi f r 11 In iTl 111! 11 • M'

No. 331 7.65 mm. Little Tom Wiener Waffenfabrik Vienna, Austria No. 33406
'limlll^'llltlM^lHl!,!^ ■ I* 1 imlllTltfllTltU li mTt I nil'
No. 331 7.65 mm. Little Tom Wiener Waffenfabrik Vienna, Austria No. 33406
■ I'i• i■ i■ i■ i• i■ j• m■ i■ i■ 111■ |«. t■ i^ 11n■ t,.i■ 11■
i 7i i 't rwi . «I ;ur-po: rwp*.T5p. moscs 2 i -4. , s. t —r.—rir
IIMlllMlllllllllllllllltlllltlllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllMllllllllltlllllllllllilMllilllil J11111I' If If I ft 11 llllt tl ll I (|! 1111! Jlllll;|!||'|!llii||.|,l||M[|in!Hltlltlllll
No. 332 7.65 mm. Llama Mod. I Gabilondo y Cia. Elgoibar, Spain No. 73214
No. 332 7.65 mm. Llama Mod. I Gabilondo y Cia. Elgoibar, Spain No. 73214
>' |1'11 * 1 >J <111 ■ | ■ | • 11111 1111. | ■ | ■ 11111 tj 111111 ■ 1111111 ij 11111111111111, |
Llama 45 Serial Number Lookup
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