Safari User Guide
Download music, PDFs, software, and other items by clicking links on webpages.
Important: If a download contains software, an alert appears when you open the item. To be safe, don’t open it if you weren’t expecting a software program or if it’s not from a trusted source.
Download an item
ITerm download: Download you can see the screen like below, click Stable Releasesto download. Unzip zipfile you downloaded and install it. If iTerm asks you Full Disk Accesspermission, click Open System Preferenceson the right bottom. In the Safari app on your Mac, click anything identified as a download link, or Control-click an image or other object on the page. Choose Download Linked File. (Some webpage items can’t be downloaded.) Safari decompresses files such files after it downloads them.
Download the latest version of iTerm for Mac - Full-featured terminal app. Read 50 user reviews of iTerm on MacUpdate. You can right-click on a filename (e.g., in the output of ls) and select Download with scp from hostname., and iTerm2 will download the file for you. A new menu bar item will be added called Downloads that lets you view downloaded files and track their progress.

In the Safari app on your Mac, click anything identified as a download link, or Control-click an image or other object on the page.
Choose Download Linked File. (Some webpage items can’t be downloaded.)
Safari decompresses files such as .zip files after it downloads them.
Note: If you download an item that you previously downloaded, Safari removes the older duplicate so it doesn’t take up space on your Mac. See Optimize storage space on your Mac.

See items you downloaded

Iterm Mac Download For Windows 10
In the Safari app on your Mac, click the Show Downloads button near the top-right corner of the Safari window.
The button isn’t shown if the downloads list is empty.
Do any of the following:
Pause a download: Click the Stop button to the right of the filename in the downloads list. To resume, click the Resume button .
Find a downloaded item on your Mac: Click the magnifying glass next to the filename in the downloads list. If you move a file or change the download location after downloading it, Safari can’t find the file.
Tip: To change where downloaded items are saved on your Mac, choose Safari > Preferences, click General, then click the “File download location” pop-up menu and choose a location.
Clear the downloads list: In the downloads list, click Clear. To remove one item, Control-click it, then choose Remove From List.
By default, Safari automatically removes an item after one day. To change when items are automatically removed, choose Safari > Preferences, click General, then click the “Remove download list items” pop-up menu and choose an option.

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